My last post was about my birthday, and then I fully intended to do several posts about Christmas and the things we had planned. However, just a couple of days after my last post, we got a call that my father-in-law was not doing well health-wise, and we made an emergency trip back to Indiana to see him. I'm so glad we did- about a week later, he went to Heaven. I'm so thankful that my husband got to spend some time with his dad before he passed, and I'm thankful that I know that my father-in-law is in Heaven. It was a very sad time, but we know we'll see him again! Needless to say, I didn't really feel like blogging on that trip, nor did I really have the time. So, that's one reason I haven't written anything.
Another reason I haven't written anything is because two days after we got home from Indiana, we had a huge surprise! I'm expecting!!! We're so excited and thrilled! Sometime I'll share with you the long, prayerful journey that led us to this place, but for now, I'll just say that we're over the moon! I'm still in those weeks where you feel pretty "blah" all the time, so I haven't really blogged anything... although all the time I've spent laying on the couch surfing Pinterest could have been used on writing, I guess! ;)
I have been taking semi-regular pictures of my "baby bump," though, that I'll share with you on here from time to time. AND, I have pictures from Nathanael's Duck Dynasty birthday party that I need to post.... and a couple of projects I've been working on... so, I'll have to get on the ball here! ;)
For now, I'll just leave you with this picture of our announcement that we sent to our families:
I hope everybody is having a great day and getting settled into 2013! It's already time to get stuff ready for Valentine's Day... can you believe it?
Have a great day!