Thursday, May 17, 2012

Worth A Thousand Words

For quite some time, I've been fascinated by photography. I have several friends who are amazingly talented photographers, and I'm always slightly in awe of the pictures they post. While I'm not planning on trying to become a professional photographer, and I'm pretty sure I'm not ever going to reach the same level  as those friends, I've decided that I'm going to at least try to learn some tips & techniques. I've been doing some research online & reading about different things- lighting, composition, editing, etc. One of the most repeated bits of advice is to practice, practice, practice. Sooooo... I've decided to give myself a challenge to take & post at least one picture a day for the next 365 days. We'll see how that goes.... ;)

My goal is to be able to take great pictures of family & friends- I want to be able to know what I'm doing, at least a little bit, so that I can take reliably beautiful shots that capture moments & memories. I think I'm going to try to convince Nathanael to do this with me so we can learn together... plus, he takes most of the shots for the daily style blog I write for, so the more he learns, the better my outfit pictures will be! *wink*

I've even set up a Flickr account so maybe I'll keep up with the daily photo posting. I'll try to share pictures on here at least once a week, too. And if anybody has any advice or tips for me, I'd love to hear them!

My first picture for the 365 day photo challenge:

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